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CH32V203 EVT kit
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CH583M BLE dev Kit
Espresif ESP32-WROOM microcontroller
Just add ""
to the Arduino IDE File->Preference->Additional Board Manager URLs to add the official expressif Arduino support
Includes many example sketches. Uses freeRTOS..
- 240MHz CPU Clock
- 2 main cores - 1 pico power core
- WiFi, BlueTooth
- 26 available GPIOs
- - 0 thru 5 = 6 x I/O
- - 12 thru 19 = 8 x I/O
- - 21 thru 23 = 3 x I/O
- - 25 thru 27 = 3 x I/O
- - 32 thru 33 = 2 x I/O
- - 34, 35, 36, 39 = 4 x Input
- 0.8in spacing between rows
- BreadBoard Friendly
- IOT verison has no LEDs to save battery
Just add ""
to the Arduino IDE File->Preference->Additional Board Manager URLs to add the official expressif Arduino support
Includes many example sketches. Uses freeRTOS..
- Availability: 1 In Stock
- Model: ESP32-20