Breadboard 270 pin (BBoard270)
270 contacts
Single Row Power Rails
270 contact solderless breadboard
Push Button Break Out (PB-BO)
Getting a switch to stay put on a Bread Board can be difficult.
So I designed some break out boards where you can solder the switch to the board
and some pins on the bottom to plug into a breadboard.
So I designed some break out boards where you can solder the switch to the board
and some pins on the bottom to plug into a breadboard.
Break Outs for mounting on BreadBoard
Push Button BreakOut - RL (PBSW-BO-RL)
Getting a switch to stay put on a Bread Board can be difficult.
So I designed some break out boards where you can solder the switch to the board
and some pins on the bottom to plug into the breadboard.
A resistor and LED are included on-board and may be enabled or disabled.
.... mouse over the thumbnail to see to which version they apply....
So I designed some break out boards where you can solder the switch to the board
and some pins on the bottom to plug into the breadboard.
A resistor and LED are included on-board and may be enabled or disabled.
.... mouse over the thumbnail to see to which version they apply....
Break Outs for mounting on BreadBoard
mini BreadBoard (miniBB)
170 Tie-Point mini Bread Board
Select your favourite Colour in CheckOut comments
White, Black, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow
170 contact mini BreadBoard
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BreadBoard Power Adapter (BBoardPS-A)
BreadBoard Power Adapter
USB type A input ( UNO ) as well as Barrel Jack..
USB type A input ( UNO ) as well as Barrel Jack..
BreadBoard Power Adapter - USB-A
Perf Board (PerfBd)
Double Sided Perf Board with IC layout plus free-form area
our own design.
Double Sided Perf Board with IC layout
BBoard PS - miniUSB (BBPSmini)
Power Adapter for Dual Power Rail BreadBoards - 830 and 400
miniUSB power input ( NANO cable )
Barrel Jack for other Wall Warts..
Power Adapter for Dual Power Rail BBoards
USBasp adapter for ATtiny85/13A (TinyUSBasp)
USBasp Adapter for BreadBoarding ATtiny85/13A
Just place over the ATtiny chip and connect the USBasp cable to this adapter.
Ships with long pins to provide clearance.
my own design.
Just place over the ATtiny chip and connect the USBasp cable to this adapter.
Ships with long pins to provide clearance.
my own design.
USBasp Adapter for BreadBoarding ATtiny
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