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1 line x 8 digit LED with ATtiny10 driver
ATtiny10 solo
ATtiny10 Break Out Board
ATtiny10 dev kit with LED
ATtiny10 Dev Kit with LED
ATtiny10 with Reset and LED
ATtiny10 Dev Kit with Reset and LED
ATtiny10 dev kit
ATtiny10 Dev Kit with ICSP and 4 LEDs
Out of Stock
1 line x 8 digit LED with ATtiny10 driver
Out of Stock
8 digit LED display (LED0801)
1 line x 8 digit LED Display for debug output of ATtiny10
Red LEDs
SPI interface (MAX7219)
may be daisy chained

We have written a "driver" to use this display with an ATtiny10 for debug display.  see Tiny10 Debug Display.
1 line x 8 digit LED with ATtiny10 driver
ATtiny10 solo
ATtiny10 Solo (ATtiny10solo)
Now in Stock!!!

ATtiny10 Break Out Board

suitable for BreadBoarding

Full-Up has the ATTiny10 soldered in.
half proto has one of the prototyping extensions removed.

BreadBoard pins included on all models but must be soldered.
ATtiny10 Break Out Board
ATtiny10 dev kit with LED
ATtiny10 LED (ATtiny10led)
Now in Stock!!!

ATtiny10 Break Out Board with
LED on B1

suitable for BreadBoarding

The latest revision has optional 4x4 prototyping areas on each end.

View our Hackaday Example Code

YouTube Video PlayList
ATtiny10 Dev Kit with LED
ATtiny10 with Reset and LED
ATtiny10 Rst (ATtiny10rst)
Now in Stock in the US!!!

ATtiny10 Break Out Board with Reset Switch
and LED on B0

suitable for BreadBoarding.

NOTE: - the Bare Bones version does not include ATtiny10
All  versions include unsoldered pin headers.
ATtiny10 Dev Kit with Reset and LED
ATtiny10 dev kit
ATtiny10 SPI (ATtiny10spi)
Now in Stock!!!

ATtiny10 Break Out Board with SPI (TPI)
ICSP connector and 4 LEDs.

suitable for BreadBoarding.

Pins are included BUT not soldered!

NOTE: - we now have the USBasp with updated firmware in stock
              which includes the TPi protocol - program an ATtiny10 as easily
              as a "Nano" -- see "Related Products" tab to the right.

NOTE: - Bare Bones version does not include ATtiny10 installed.
ATtiny10 Dev Kit with ICSP and 4 LEDs
Out of Stock
ATtiny10 Debug Display (Debug10)
1 line x 8 digit LED Display for debug output of ATtiny10
Red LEDs
SPI interface (MAX7219)
may be daisy chained

We have written a "driver" to use this display with an ATtiny10 for debug display.  see Tiny10 Debug Display.
1 line x 8 digit LED with ATtiny10 driver
ATtiny10 Chip (ATTINY10-TS8R)

ATtiny10 Chip only.
Out of Stock
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